Our 2009-2010 Program Series wrapped up on June 18th with “Ethics and You: A Relationship You Can Live With” presented by Dr. Yvonne Owen, Ph.D.  Yvonne presented a lively and informative workshop and provided participants with an experience of understanding ethical issues from the perspective of personal integrity.  The presentation included examining personal motives, exploring the intention behind the ethical codes, and helping us get in touch with our personal “compasses” in order to help us point the way to an ethical path.

Thanks Yvonne!

Dr. Travis Osborne, Ph.D. gave a thorough and thoughtful presentation on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder at our May 21st Monthly Meeting.  Travis provided us with a comprehensive overview of OCD, including common presentations of OCD symptoms, the role of specific brain structures in OCD, and treatment approaches including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), medication, and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).  For more information about Travis and his work, visit the website for the Anxiety and Stress Reduction Center of Seattle (www.asrcs.com).

Thanks Travis!

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