Our January presentation featured Dr. Elizabeth Dexter-Mazza discussing the use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, to effectively treat clients with Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD. Though geared toward the treatment of BPD, Dr. Dexter-Mazza’s presentation also addressed treating clients who may not meet criteria for BPD but who experience intense, out of control emotions, usually anger, shame, guilt, sadness, anxiety and depression. Participants were  introduced to several principles and strategies of DBT that increased their ability to work collaboratively with clients with BPD, but also with a wide range of clients who struggle with only certain aspects of that disorder. Feedback from SCA members in attendance was one of feeling much better equipped to work with Borderline Personality Disorder, while also having gleaned a number of takeaway skills and approaches for treating a variety of client problems.

Thank you, Dr. Dexter-Mazza!

SCA’s November meeting included a presentation by Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT, a Jungian Psychotherapist and Astrologer in private practice in Seattle. Dan used his gifts of humor and storytelling to introduce to attendees how they might use astrology to assist clients. Many therapists are curious about astrology and how it can support their work with clients but also feel daunted by the esoteric jargon and wary of the ways they may have seen astrology used simplistically, or misused all together. SCA members learned that astrology’s underlying principles and methods have much in common with family systems, depth psychology, and other forms of therapy, and Dan’s talk helped introduce attendees to a deeper, more grounded and nuanced approach to integrating astrology with therapy.

So thank you, Dan!

In our October presentation, Dr. Jackie Leibsohn provided SCA members the necessary additional tools needed to treat clients suffering from eating disorders. Using her extensive experience and training, Dr. Leibsohn placed focus on effective ways of “getting the client to the table” and engaging the client in the therapeutic process. Attendees learned specific strategies for working with clients who suffer from an eating disorder, including cognitive-behavioral interventions specific to eating disorders, and all members left with useful psycho-educational materials that can quickly and easily be utilized with clients.

Thank you, Dr. Leibsohn!

The SCA 2010-2011 Program Series began September 24th with Peter Hannah MS, MA, LMHC helping members to better understand how to market their private practices on the Internet. Using metaphors, analogies, and plain English, Peter helped us understand how to drive potential clients to our website and make a website an effective marketing tool for those viewers. The presentation included the illumination of such nebulous (but essential!) topics as meta tags, keyword density, blogging, tweeting, link-building, and Google Adwords. Most importantly, attendees left the meeting with a number of tangible, do-it-yourself action items that will allow them to immediately begin to take advantage of, and control of, their online presence and the many benefits of Internet marketing.

So thank you, Peter!