about SCA

about the organization
history of the organization

officers & committees

Angela Grace,  President
Kerry Billingham,  Past President
Shannon Shively,  Vice President
Ben Trelease,  Secretary
Joel Freedman,  Treasurer
Liziah Richards,  Outreach
Kyeisha Hodge,  Outreach
Grace Carpenter,  Outreach
Carrie Cole,  Communications
Jessica Gaul,  Communications
Annie Flansburg-Spiess,  Hospitality
Ismael Gerena,  Hospitality
Katie Gurwell,  Programming
Ilsa Spreiter,  Programming
Wendy Olsen,  Programming
James Ullrich,  Membership
Charlotte House,  Membership
Clinton Campbell,  Website

about the organization

Seattle Counselors Association (SCA) is a vibrant community of mental health professionals serving the entire Puget Sound region. SCA provides a unique opportunity to network with other mental health professionals, promote your practice, announce your upcoming workshop or event, and learn from clinically relevant presentations.


Highlight your practice on our website with your own profile. Member listings include a description of your practice and a personal picture, and allow potential clients to find therapists based on name, zip code, name of practice, website, license, or insurance eligibility.


Through our dynamic presentations, you can earn 1.5 CEUs for most meetings and 3 CEUs for our popular ethics workshop in June. SCA meets on the third Friday of each month, except for July, August and December.


Enjoy getting to know other professionals by attending monthly meetings. Begin or join an ongoing peer consultation group based on geographic location, area of interest, or length of time in practice.


Develop your leadership skills by becoming involved in the running of our organization. This is a great way to gain self-confidence and promote your practice as well.


Receive our online SCA newsletter Connections, which includes current information about our organization, upcoming guest speakers, and a message from the SCA President.